Sunday, March 31, 2019

New Blog for New Life

Things are never certain. Nothing. Not work, love, children, housing, food, sleep, even taxes..... in today's society.

Yes. I am Still disabled. And, no, I'm not happy with our current president, but, I'm Also NOT INTERESTED in the smoke and mirrors on BOTH SIDES of the government. If this country worked on the "barter and trade system" people would become Real Equal Statistically, as they Really are. Picture a world, where the "Trump's" Earned their money. Just an Easy Example. Unfortunately, for about 25 years, only the "priveledged" have been in any power position. Barter and Trade would change Many Things. 

It is unfortunate. If you want to "Make America Great Again"... you First need Human Values. People need to be viewed as People, Not Numbers. Not "advantages". Not "power". 

What's wrong with today? MY Opinion. To much, "you owe me", to little, "you did it, you fix it", to little, "poor baby, it's not Your fault". To much, "heroin treated by synthetic heroin" to little "honesty, compassion, and tough love". To much, "We will let you camp for a $, and Do illegal drugs, with staff on hand to revive you, so you can stay all 5 days", to little, "drugs are illegal, don't do them". To much, "mom and dad want to be Friends with their kids", to little,"authorative parenting". To much, "I'm sorry I grounded you because you are 7 and Misusing your cell or tablet", to little, "learn to read and write before you surf the internet".

Well. I guess technological has become the most Evil part of today. Parents, who don't parent. Cops who Don't do Anything. And, I MEAN That. I've been watching people get away with attempted murder, drug abuse (and, I am Not talking about Anything Less than heroin), drunk driving (especially local officers). And, that's just the beginning. You would Think, in today's society .... these things wouldn't be an issue in a "small town" ... how big is 8000 people? 

I guess, when 2000 are Wealthy And Crooked... there isn't much the other 6k will do. It's unfortunate.

What do You Think?

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