Monday, April 1, 2019

Asking For Help Please Read, and leave a comment

Ok. I don't even know How to do this. I am not good at asking for help, nor, am I very good at Accepting help. 

Today, I find myself in a situation, that leaves me no choice.

For those who are around me, locally. And, those who know me well, you'll know how difficult this is for me. 

I've spent my life with illnesses that are just beginning to be Slightly understood. And, some, barely recognized. This is because I  have multiple autoimmune diseases, as well as, everyday aging, and life in general. 

Now. I have reached a point, where I need a hand, or a Few. 

For those who are confused. My teeth are bad due to inflammation from multiple autoimmune disorders. Swelling and returning to correct size, using the "whitening" toothpastes of the 90s', only to find, those were damaging the enamel, making my teeth More vulnerable, has created a now Serious health threat.

I am asking, if anyone would join a pool tournament, a dinner of some kind, I am willing to auction paintings, wood and vinyl signs, card sets, memory albums, journals, junk journals. Or, if You have any ideas. Anything to help me raise moneys to pay for this procedure. 

I'm using Baldwin Family Medical Dentist, and, a referral to an orthodontic surgeon, hopefully, I will be scheduled for extraction in the next 2 weeks. 

So. I guess, I'm asking my friends/family, if they would be interested in helping me with this. 

I understand times are hard, and, what I am asking is no small request. I would like All of you to understand, it's ok, understandable... if you can not help. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this!



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