Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Insomniacs Beware

The posts in this blog could end up being Absolutely Anything!!! When I can't sleep, I reflect on things, when I reflect, I write. Blogging has become the equivalent of my late night diary, edited slightly to protect the ....... innocent? Anyhow. I had almost 2000 words when my phone shut down, it doesn't save as you blog, and so, here I start again :p This particular blog is in response to a misunderstanding between me and Johnny Depp. If you look, I have only been using twitter since around September of '09. Which is around the time I started blogging and everything else. I just got a wild hair one night and signed up on all kinds of social networking sites.
So anyway. I have a story that I have wanted to get out to the world for several years now, and it occurred to me that blogging would do the trick, maybe. I had been using facebook since early '09, and was getting to be quite the gamer. Neglecting my household chores, not cool, it's me, my teenage son, and my "hubby". I am a stay at home mom for the last four years due to autoimmune disease that has made me a "liability" to potential employers. Until then, I have worked since I was a young kid. I learned to clean scrap metal with my dad, and received pay for doing so as far back as I remember.
I have made several mistakes in my life. The worst one of all was getting married. I was a young, single mother, and I met the "perfect" man. He worked at a good job (right beside me), he didn't drink much, he helped around the house, and with my 18 month old son. He was every woman's dream. And he became my worst nightmare! We had only been together a couple of months when I fell off of a ladder at work and shattered my right wrist. I stayed with him for about two weeks, but couldn't just leave my house empty. I was 20 years old and buying my own home. I was working at a job where my starting pay was going to be around $35K (1996), that was pretty good money then.
One night, before I went home, he came in and asked me to marry him. Of course I said yes! Who wouldn't, he was awesome! He took really good care of me and my son. Everyone I knew liked him. He was always doing stuff for kids, buying toys, taking them places, playing video and board games. The father I had been looking for so that my son could have a fairly normal home life. 
We were married within 6 months of him asking me, and about 8 months later, he was arrested. He had molested my cousin's daughter in the middle of the night while everyone else was asleep.
I remember that day every day of my life. I think about it all day, even if I don't want to, it's always in the back of my mind. It doesn't help that he confessed to me that he had been molesting kids since he was 12 years old. It was even worse when I found out he had been molesting a little girl that belonged to his friend for over 7 years, and the abuse hadn't stopped even while we were married.  That man admitted to me that he had molested more than 50 little girls, and honestly, I bet you could easily double that number. The reason that he admitted all of this stuff to me was, in Michigan, if you are married and your spouse confesses a crime to you, the prosecuting attorney can not use that information, because it is confidential information between spouses. It's as powerful as HIPPA. I forgot to mention that he is 17 years older than me. I was a cover. He figured that if he had a family, no one would ever accuse him of doing anything like that. You know, kinda like, "look at my normal life, and my happy family". A true pedophile is a chameleon. They blend into the general public, so as not to get caught. Think about it, almost every time a pedophile is caught, the people that knew him or her say things like, "I never would have guessed" or "I knew something wasn't quite right, but I NEVER thought he/she would do something like that". Only in hindsight, do people say,"I should have noticed" or " Now that (action) makes sense". But people just don't normally accuse people of being child molesters.
I had to tell you all of that to tell you this.
I am still not sure exactly what John Depp read because he blocked me from DM and won't respond to me. But, I had sent a message that I was staying off of Face Book because I found my ex husband had a profile. Per Face Book terms and agreement, it is a felony for a registered sex offender to have a profile, a felony punishable by ten years+. Ten different people had filed a complaint that he was on Face Book and went through the proper channels to be charged, but no one was doing anything about it. So I was not going to be able to see his trailer for pirates of the Caribbean 4 on Face Book, until something was done about "the Pedophile". The next thing I know he is calling me disrespectful and accusing me of accusing Michael. I never thought Michael was a child molester. I believe he was targeted for his money. And, even if I did think he was, the man has passed and can't even defend himself, I would never attack him. I have tried to explain this to Mr. Depp, but I get no response. I'm not that upset about the lack of response, but I believe he may owe me an apology for going off half cocked. I DO KNOW My ex husband, I DO KNOW what I am talking about. And I won't stop watching his acting over it, but my feelings have changed a little. Oh, and the last time I checked. The pedophiles profile was no longer active :)

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